
Bespoke treatment plans are discussed with you in the session, depending on your needs your plan may include sessions of osteopathy, osteo remedial massage, and reiki.
In each session, I work with you to get the most out of your session, so it is important to practice the exercises provided to you. Treatments, especially Reiki, generally continue like a pebble hitting still water, it causes ripples and can continue for hours, days, and occasionally weeks depending on how deep we work.

I am currently in Harringay, London. Unfortunately, I cannot provide at home treatments.

Please be mindful that if you cannot make an appointment contact the clinic at least 24 hours prior as I am only paid per treatment, room hire fees will still need to be paid and I am not an employee of the clinic(s). Late cancellations impacts my livelihood.

Osteopathy / Osteo Massage:
For pricing and booking availability click on the corresponding buttons below for
H3 Wellbeing (Tuesday-Thursday and some Saturdays in Harringay, London)

Osteopathy: This is a form of soft tissue therapy mixed with manipulations and articulations. Full assessment of the problem along with biopsychosocial factors (how your body moves, your mental state and life/environmental factors, and medical history) drives the bespoke treatment for your session.
Techniques include specific structural, visceral and cranial osteopathic techniques including adjustments/manipulations, special testing, muscle energy technique, soft tissue release, neuro-muscular/positional release technique, soft tissue release, harmonic technique, and myofascial release.
Available in H3 Wellbeing

Osteo Massage: This is a soft tissue therapy session where various techniques are used to aid tissue recovery and release tension. The massage is bespoke to you giving you the time to renew, reinvigorate and relax whilst we do the majority of the hard work. This is suitable for anyone and not just for sports enthusiasts.
Various techniques I may incorporate into the session include muscle energy technique, neuro-muscular technique, soft tissue release, harmonic technique, and myofascial release. Some techniques (especially for muscle energy technique and soft tissue release) will require your active participation whilst other techniques allow you to lay back and relax.
Available in H3 Wellbeing

Treatment times and prices vary at various locations.
If you would like to book a session, please use the button(s) below. Alternatively, contact me to discuss your requirements and arrange an appointment.

Reiki (In-person):
(All sessions timings include consultation and post-session discussion, for example, 30 minute session will have approximately 15-20mins hands-on time with 10-15mins discussion)

Reiki sessions can be relaxing and energising but each session may vary in outcome depending on intentions and other variables. It is a guided meditational journey which can be for healing, de-stressing or re-energising. I practise Usui Reiki Ryoho and my treatments are purely Reiki, but occasionally I use tools such as meditation, sound bowl and tarot/oracle cards to provide you with extra guidance or to strengthen the connection.

Your session will include a short breathing exercise, followed by the Reiki treatment, then concluding with questions or feedback.

If you would like to book a session, please use the button below. Alternatively, contact me to discuss your requirements and arrange an appointment in the comfort of your home.

1 Hour Group Reiki (In-person):

Reiki sessions can be relaxing and energising but each session may vary in outcome depending on intentions and other variables. A group session is a guided meditational journey for multiple people which can be for healing, de-stressing, or re-energising. I practise Usui Reiki Ryoho and my treatments are purely Reiki, but occasionally I use tools such as meditation, singing, chanting, sound bowl, and tarot/oracle cards to provide you with extra guidance or to strengthen the connection.

Your session will include a short breathing exercise for the whole group, followed by the Reiki treatment of 60 minutes where Reiki will be sent to the whole group at the start and end, and giving 1-on-1 in between. This leads to time for individual questions or feedback.
The session includes a single tarot reading per person for general guidance.
If you would like an in-person group session, contact me to discuss and arrange.
*Please allow at least 2 hours for this booking for attendees to settle and post-session feedback.

I am also available for event bookings and retreats, creating a safe space for individuals to fully relax.

Reiki (Distant):
(All sessions timings include consultation and post-session discussion, for example, 30-minute session will have approximately 15-20mins hands-on time with 10-15mins discussion)

Reiki sessions can be relaxing and energising but each session may vary in outcome depending on intentions and other variables. Distant Reiki allows you to be in the comfort of your own home so you don’t need to worry about travelling post-treatment.

You will receive a call when the session begins to ensure you are comfortable and you are ready to receive Reiki, as well as ask questions. You won’t need to stay on the phone, I will start to channel Reiki to you, and then when the time is up, the session will end and I will send you a message. You can take your time and then either drop a message or call me for feedback and further questions. We recommend ensuring you are warm and able to be seated or lying down with no distractions throughout your session and encourage you to be relaxed and not have expectations. Be open and allow the energy to flow.

For follow-up sessions, you will have the option to receive the phone call or just set a timer and be ready to receive.

I understand that people have their ups and downs, if you would like to have an osteopath or reiki session, but have financial difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact me, prices in some cases can be negotiable.