Home Calendar Osteopathy/Sports Massage Event H3 Wellbeing: Osteopathy, Soft Tissue Therapy & Reiki

H3 Wellbeing: Osteopathy, Soft Tissue Therapy & Reiki

Tuesdays – Thursdays 9am-6pm and some Saturdays 10am-2pm (UK time) I’m available for Osteopathy, Osteo Massage/Soft Tissue Therapy, and Reiki at H3 Wellbeing.

Pop along to ease out those niggling bits from sporting activities or daily life. See the website for pricing and booking timings. Your sessions and treatment plans are designed to suit you, so you may come in for Osteopathy for a full assessment with more osteopathic approach one week, followed by osteo massage the next week if more soft tissue therapy based treatment is deemed more suitable with osteopathy sessions as and when required. For those who feel they need some relaxation after manual therapy work, a 15-30minute reiki session can be added on to the session.

Osteopathy: This is a form of soft tissue therapy mixed with manipulations and articulations. Full assessment of the problem along with biopsychosocial factors (how your body moves, your mental state and life/environmental factors) drives the bespoke treatment for your session.
Techniques include specific osteopathic techniques, special testing, muscle energy technique, soft tissue release, neuro-muscular/positional release technique, soft tissue release, harmonic technique, visceral osteopathy techniques, cranial osteopathy techniques, and myofascial release. Within Osteopathy treatments, scar tissue therapy is also included to help reduce pain and increase mobility.
-Initial 60 mins – £75
-Follow-up 60 mins – £70
-Follow-up 45 mins – £65
-Follow-up 30 mins – £55
(Blocks/packages are unavailable as the price is quite low in comparison to some osteopathy clinics which charges 30min follow-ups at £65+)

Reiki: These sessions can be relaxing and energizing but each session may vary in outcome depending on intentions and other variables. It is a guided meditational journey which can be for healing, de-stressing or re-energizing. I practise Usui Reiki Ryoho and my treatments are purely Reiki, but occasionally I use tools such as meditation, and sound bowl to provide you with extra guidance or to strengthen the connection.
-60 mins – £65
-30 mins – £40
-15 mins addon – £20

Osteo Massage/Soft Tissue Therapy: This is a soft tissue therapy session where various techniques are used to aid tissue recovery and release tension. The massage is bespoke to you giving you the time to renew, reinvigorate and relax whilst we do the majority of the hard work. Some techniques will require your active participation. This is suitable for anyone and not just for sports enthusiasts.
Techniques include muscle energy technique, soft tissue release, neuro-muscular/positional release technique, soft tissue release, harmonic technique, and myofascial release.
-60 mins – £75
-45 mins – £60
-30 mins – £45

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Wed, 23-Apr-2025


2:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Wed, 23-Apr-2025
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM


H3 Wellbeing


H3 Wellbeing
345 Green Lanes, Haringey, N4 1DZ


Katsi - H3 Wellbeing
+44 (0)20 8347 6154

Next Occurrence