I came across this blog post by Frans Stiene from International House of Reiki. Felt that it really resonates because I’ve always used the saying ‘go with the flow‘ and has been how I feel about energy, life… It also (almost) relates to my Diamond or Water post. My reading Chinese isn’t great, so I got my phone to read it out to me. Thought I’ll share the post and try and get a Google translate of it. I feel I won’t be able to write it in a better way.

Google Translation (I think it has translated most of it fairly accurately… did adjust some parts though):
In our daily lives, we often feel that it is difficult to express empathy for ourselves, not to mention empathy for others. One of the reasons we think it is difficult to do is because our mind, body, and energy are like frozen water, water that has been condensed by jealousy, fear, worry, anger, ignorance, etc. If a well freezes, we can’t drink water from it, let alone share it with others.
To share these drinking waters with others, we need to dissolve the frozen water with the heat generated by our meditation practice and empathy. By focusing on meditation practice and deep into dan tian breathing, we can create inner warmth and soften the tension of our body, mind, and energy. By showing more empathy to ourselves and others, we will begin to dissolve our inner jealousy, worry, fear, ignorance and so on. Through the warmth of our empathy, it all began to heat up.
Through these exercises, through empathy, we begin to feel that our deep empathy is like a stream of free-flowing rivers. This river not only provides us with energy and nutrients, but also makes our body, mind, and energy clear, and energy allows us to share this water with others freely so that they can benefit from the water.
When our inner wells are not free-flowing, we often only want to share this empathy with the people we know. Even we might say, “You can only get a cup, but you rely on it because I like you, so I give you five glasses of water.” But this idea will make our inner water source freeze again: this is a kind of limited idea. This is also possible because we are afraid that if we are free to share, our inner fountain will dry up. However, when we have enough practice, not only will we let go of our fears, but we will also begin to understand that this cosmic spring is actually an endless stream of inexhaustible rivers that will never dry up. Therefore, no matter how much we can give, there is always enough water for ourselves and others to use.
However, when other people lean over and stand in front of our well water, sometimes it is a little bit of water, sometimes a lot of water, depending on their needs. It is possible to inadvertently sully into the well water. This is why we need to continue to practice meditation. Even if we feel that our inner river is already free flowing, we must cleanse the impurities of the water so that the river can be kept fresh and clean.
The fresh and clean water comes from our unconstrained empathy. The water is not given to the recipients, nor is it the recipient. They are just water, free-flowing water…
So whenever we feel the water in our wells within our heart are freezing up due to the difficult thoughts, emotions, stubbornness or attachments; we can return to our practice, our meditation practice, our empathy, let go Let the water continue to flow…