Motivated In Life is a reflection of my passion and vision to truly help people as individuals holistically as a practitioner providing guidance to each individual’s health and recovery. I know, the word ‘holistic’ may be overused to some or used in the ‘woo-woo’ sense, but I believe true health care should be inclusive of every aspect of the person – Be it mind-body-spirit, bio-psycho-social or even mental-physical-environmental. Each person has their understanding of health and well-being.
“Your Health | Your Body | Your Life” – some people wonder “Why in that order?”. I’m sure some will argue that it’s much more to it etc… etc… But “health” includes physical, mental, social and right down to the cellular and (for those who believe in it) energetic health (energies like reiki, biomagnetism…). Energetic reactions in the atomic level occur in all living things. All things are interconnected to help maintain our bodies in a state where we can live. Doesn’t matter if you’re disabled or incomplete… as long as you are your definition of being healthy and capable of enjoying your body and life whilst growing from your daily experiences, that is the main point in life.
No one is absolutely perfect, but I’m hoping that by helping people to be able to utilise their bodies and caring for them, their lifestyle and lives may improve and they can enjoy it fully with their friends and families.
Hope this insight helps you to understand my path and vision in the creation of Motivated In Life.

About Katsi
Katsi firmly believes that health is inclusive of the non-visible and visible parts of life, including mental health, physical health, social health and environmental aspects. Therefore, integrates all her knowledge along with her intuition provides an immersive journey with you.
An empathic and intuitive Osteopath & Master Reiki Practitioner who has a background in Holistic Therapy, IT, and Forensic Science. Started learning energy healing and meditation as a teenager. Her curiosity in all aspects of life, languages, technology, art and science has taken her on a broad and varied journey enabling her to continue learning every day. She intends to integrate her experience and knowledge in Reiki/Energy Healing and Holistic Therapy with the scientific, puzzle-solving skills and physiological knowledge from her Osteopathy and Forensic Science background to support your bespoke health and wellbeing journey.
Her interest in Breathwork, chronic pain and trauma management has led her to go on cranial osteopathy and visceral osteopathy courses, gaining 10 months experience working in Core Clapton with Chronic pain patients, a certification in Discovering Health in Trauma, Scar Tissue Practitioner. She is currently on a 1 year training course with Christopher Gladwell as a Breathwork Facilitator, studying with Barral Institute in visceral and neural manipulation, also studying Applied Kinesiology with ICAK.

Being a one-man band, making changes in life, and setting up my own website alone is hard. Asking for help from others is even harder. Please be mindful that if you cannot make an appointment contact the clinic at least 24 hours prior as I am only paid per treatment and not by the hour.
If you would like to work with me, feel free to drop me a message: hello@motivatedinlife.com