Never Stop Learning
Thought I’ll share a little of my philosophy, what has been learnt so far in my journey of life,...
Life’s Healing Mechanisms
Life can knock us down in many ways; if you’re able to spring back on your feet to continue...
Nourishing Experiences
I wrote this (unstructured) poem a few months ago, being a part-time student balancing work, life, study is hard...
Foundation is the key
Foundation is the key to most things, whether it is a chef’s chopping and culinary skills, a skier’s basic...
Understanding the Reiki Precepts
The Reiki Precepts are a great guidance from Mikao Usui (the founder of Usui Reiki) in our practice and...
Waka and Haiku: Reflections In Life Through Creativity
I was reading about waka and poetry in Reiki practice. Waka (和歌) are Japanese poems with a structure of...